Gasstroymontaj AD
А: 24, Kamen Andreev Str., 1606 Sofia
Т: +359 2 951 59 65; 952 04 73
Ф: +359 2 988 66 21; 954 96 12
The company was founded in 1971 as a company specialized in construction of high pressure gas pipelines. In 2002 the company became 100% private shareholding company and began to diversify its activities. The main activities are:
* Construction of gas pipelines and related activities;
* Construction of water pipelines and sewage systems from all kind of materials;
* Construction of waste water and potable water treatment plants;
* Construction and reconstruction of buildings;
* Execution of piles and anchors – earth stabilization of building foundations, excavations, landslides, infrastructure facilities, etc;
* Geothermal drilling and heating;
* Road construction;
* Machinery rental in the country and abroad;
* Other activities.